How to score well in social studies.

Follow these tips and improve your percentage in the exams. Keep a pen and a notebook handy.

Visualise for a better recall:

History with so many dates and economics with so many facts could turn boring, as these are vast sections with many things to remember and write during the exam. Read as, if you are reading a story and visualise each scenario in your mind. Doing so will help you memorise it easily. Visual stories are easy to remember. These stored images will help you in framing answers during exams.

Make your notes with dates, names and numbers:

History topics will contain lots of important dates and events. It means the dates when wars were fought, treaties were signed, important conferences were held, birth and death dates of important personalities, etc. So when you read your chapter, keep a notebook and pen handy. It is important to make a timeline chart, it will really help you remember important dates and events much better. For example,

Starting of first world war.
End of first world war.
The great economic depression.

Well practice the map:
You can score full marks in maps provided when you practice markings. Map markings can’t be mastered just by looking and going through the maps! You will have to plot the asked locations on the map and practice it! First learn the political maps thoroughly. If a question is asked like, ‘mark the place where tea is grown in India’. If tea is grown in Assam, you should know where Assam is located. If a question like ‘mark the Western Ghats’, you should know where it is located, running through which states, like that you should learn and practice the markings.

Practice your Map markings

Solve mock paper/Practice paper:

Test your knowledge by attempting 2-3 papers at least thrice a week. Also, attempt tests covering larger portions. This will help you to know your strengths and weakness, besides giving you the practice of time management.

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