benefits of carrot juice

Our stressful lives have stolen our day-to-day energy and also that natural glow from our faces and no cream can help you get it back. But, what we eat or drink really does reflect on our skin, especially that of our face and here’s a juice that can get that natural glow back. Vitamins A and C present in carrot Juice acts as antioxidants which helps in protecting the immune cells from free radical damage. Drinking a cup of carrot juice daily has its enormous benefits for maintaining a good healthy body and also for a naturally glowing skin.

Then what is need?

All it takes is two carrots, one orange, one beetroot, one tomato and one lemon to make this healthy and delicious juice. Drink at least thrice a week. Drink this home-made juice in the morning instead of tea or coffee. It is healthy, nutritious, it makes you more active and also makes your face glow naturally.

Carrot Juice - Benefits

How to make it?

Simply blend all the vegetables in a juicer and strain the juice. If you want to add a little zing to it, try putting a small piece of ginger (in case you didn’t know, ginger helps fight acne and is a natural skin toner too). Those staying in warmer climatic zones can add some ice cubes.

Why is it so beneficial for your complex?


It is known for its skin benefits, as it has a high content of citric acid, which is loaded with vitamin C to boost your skin health and repair collagen.


It is loaded with full of antioxidants that is great for the gut as well as for skin. Besides, it gives a natural tinge to the skin and also purifies the blood and eliminates toxins.

Know the benefits of consuming carrot juice.


carrot juice for glowing skin

It contains vitamins A and C – both have natural healing properties. The beta – carotene present in carrots also helps in reducing skin inflammation.
  • It is highly nutritious.
  • The carotenoid pigments Lutein and Zeaxanthin present in carrot are responsible for fighting with unstable molecules in our body as powerful antioxidants. Studies show a high dietary intake of these compounds results in lowering late age-related macular degeneration (AMD) upto to 26%, compared to low intake.
  • A carotenoid named 'Beta Carotene' is responsible for the carrot's orange colour, which is converted into antioxidant vitamin A by our body.
  • We know that vitamin A is good for maintaining good eye health, typically 1 cup (250 ml) of carrot juice contains 250% for the daily value for Vitamin A. It is mostly in the form of provitamin A carotenoids like beta carotene. Carotenoid rich diet may protect your skin from ultraviolet rays damage and makes your skin glow naturally.
  • It is nourished with Vitamin B6, necessary for optimal immune response. Deficiency to this vitamin results in weakened immune systems and prohibited growth of immune cells called lymphocytes.
  • Do you think that carrot juice has the ability to protect against cancer? Studies show that the polyacetylene, beta carotene and Lutein present in carrot juice extract may be effective against human leukemia cells. Polyacetylenes are the main agents in carrot juice with anti-cancerous properties. But research is needed on this theory.
Benefits of drinking carrot juice
Benefits of drinking carrot juice
  • 1 cup of carrot juice contains over 20% of the daily value for vitamin C, which helps in inducing the fibrous protein collagen in our body, and helps strengthen your skin. It also protects against free radical damage.
  • Potassium present in carrot juice helps in proper blood pressure regulation. 

What are the precautions to keep in mind before taking carrot juice.

  1. When carrot juice is freshly prepared (if only carrot is used), it may not have been pasteurised to kill harmful bacteria. People with compromised immune systems, especially pregnant women, aged adults, younger children should avoid this unpasteurised carrot juice.
  2. And also consuming large amounts leads to carotenemia. This will turn your skin into a yellow-orange as a result of high blood vessels of beta carotene.
  3. Carrot juice (only carrot) contains less fibre and high natural sugars than whole carrots. So drinking too much, it will increase your blood sugar levels as the fibre content is less in amount. But it doesn't increase your blood sugar level as much compared to other juices, still you should be careful to moderate your intake if you have diabetes.

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