Self confidence

All the front liners in the world have been self confident people. They are courageous enough to complete any assignment by having faith in their powers, Spirit and reach to the completion of any assigned job with conviction and dedication. They do not depart against the hurdles and obstructions coming in their way. Confidence, courage and entrepreneurship are their permanent companions.

We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far.

A self confident person is an ideal entrepreneur.....💪

He always chooses a mighty goal for him. Vileness, abhorrence and debility remain far away from him. Every time he proceeds ahead with new enthusiasm, uses a variety of extensive efforts and experiments, faces adversities with intrepid courage and ultimately is accredited with victory. 

Are you self confident?

Soul is a repository of innumerable potentialities. There is no such skill or expertise that is not contained in this treasure because soul is a fragment of Supreme soul i.e. God. All the forces, skills and virtues emanate from that one supreme soul and effuse out in the world from him. So this is natural for the soul to possess all the attributes of its master.

Believing in the soul implies believing in the supreme soul - God. One who holds faith in the Supreme soul and upholds him as his savior does not lack anything. All the forces of universe comply with him like his slaves and are as always ready to be used by him.

All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark.

Self confidence is necessary to succeed in all the spheres of life. Even the best swimmer cannot swim across the river without self confidence. He will strike in midway and either he will pass away with the current of water or he will come back restively.

Various problems, puzzles and unwanted situations come in life too. Self confidence is very much needed to stand firmly like a rock in your way in spite of these disturbances. 

Self confident People....
Bigger the goal of life longer will be the path and accordingly obstacles also will be much more, therefore equally strong stand of self confidence will be required. The entire world supports self confident persons.

Self confidence releases such a gleaming energy on face which makes even strangers as his friends. Adverse situations also turn as favorable for a self confident person. Nobody in this world can succeed in his task until he has a strong belief of his success in whatever job he undertakes. 

As much we will believe in our competency and talent, so we will be successful in life and as skeptical we will be to our competency, so we will remain far from success and victory. However troublesome, hazardous or deceiving be our path, even then we must not relinquish our self confidence. The foundation of our actions stands on our self confidence. 

'Definitely we can accomplish this job' - this thought is full of amazing energy. Those people who accomplish mighty jobs they all are confident of their strength, ability and talent. 

Self confidence is that energy which can face and conquer over all the adversities. This is the ideal friend and mightiest capital. We have observed that many self confident people in spite of being poor in resources have accomplished astounding tasks, while many resourceful people have been unsuccessful because they lacked self confidence. 

You must have read or heard the song captioned " Akela Chal " of poet Ravindra. Sentiment of that song is

"If no one speaks to you, neglects you, treats you ill-fated and all are scar of you even then you carry on telling your view open heartedly”

”If everybody goes against you and humiliates you while picking up a task, even then proceed ahead alone crushing the thorns with your bloody steps."

"If there is no light, people have shut the doors of their houses for you in the night of a storm and heavy rain, then the emotions of your mighty goal will enlighten your heart and inspire you to carry on your journey alone.”

More to read - Motivational quotes

Undoubtedly our self being is our only companion in all circumstances.

Swami Vivekananda quoted:

“There is no such friend as self-confidence. Even arduous paths turn easy due to self-confidence. Obstacles transform into stairs to take you to your destination.”

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Saint Emerson has said, “Self-confidence is an important mysterious character behind success.
Howsoever learned, virtuous, and strong a person might be, if he lacks self-confidence he will live life like stupid in spite of being learned, virtuous and strong. He will behave like cowards in spite of being strong.

Self-confidence energizes and inspires with hope all the activities, lifestyle and momentum of a person. It fills the life with extra sensory sensation. Such persons attempt to produce a vivid impression on others and people start relying on him. Some sort of extra sensory effect or greatness seems to come out from him. 

Believe yourself

Self-confidence employs the mighty powers unitedly in one direction. All the physical and mental powers act on the allusion of a self-confident person. One who harnesses his powers never faces any paucity in his life and all the conveniences, successes come to him on their own.

When an idea exclusively occupies the mind, it is transformed into an actual physical or mental state.

The Prince of Wales of England was very thin and lean in his childhood but he was very courageous. He became General in the army after being promoted from the post of a soldier. He won many impossible battles. In one war he lost his right hand, but did not lose his confidence. In another war he lost his one eye. The government offered him a handicap pension, but he refused. He fought with more enthusiasm than earlier on the next front. His confidence of winning the battle emanated from his intelligent mind and courageous heart. Prince of Wales is honorably commemorated for plenty of successes in varied situations. He is remembered as ‘Rana Sanga’ of Britain. A coward is born once and dies many times, but a self confident person is born and dies only once…..

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