Simple Living - High Thinking:


Simplicity is the sign of noble civility. All wise persons of the world have adhered to 'Simple living and high thinking'. Tenderhearted persons always prefer simple lifestyle of a normal civilized person. Their gentility is hidden in their simplicity. Their well-wishers know that they exhibit their gentility by their simplicity and not by ostentatious lifestyle. 

The unauthentic persons lacking graces and refinement of civilized life sometimes pretend of being privileged ones to hide their incompetency and foolishness. Passion for fashion is same type of pretense in whose protection a feeble and confused person wishes other people to recognize him as affluent, learned and intelligent person by being carried away by his glittering splendor. To accomplish this, he manages camouflage and ridiculously performs cheap and clumsy activities. 

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
-Leonardo da Vinci 


There are variety of people in the world and they all vary with each other in nature, liking, behaviour etc. Some times their characteristics conflict with each other. They, therefore, clash with others and bear the sorrows. The only method of avoiding this situation is - patience. We should be patient and encourage ourselves to peacefully bear the disparities of nature and adverse emotions of people, only then we can lead a peaceful life. 

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.
- Leo Tolstoy.

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This is not possible to escape the social and administrative counters formulated by authorities to restrict the hostile activities of misguided persons responsible for breaking the boundaries of moral obligations. Quite a sizeable number of criminals sometimes successfully escape from the legal punishment and social rebuke, but this is not correct that they'll always succeed in doing so. 


The fake shelter ultimately shatters and the person of wild instincts is condemned for his mischief when he away, if not in his presence. He encounters an invisible impact of hatred spread in masses against him which ultimately presents unfavorable results for him. These people have to offer substantial amount as an inducement for their dishonest behaviour just to escape the punishment by authorities and always live under apprehension and pressure. They thrive for true friends. The people, who use these persons, hate them internally and turn to be hostile to them when their job is fulfilled. Those whose conscience rebukes them, sooner or later will be rebuked by everyone. The life of a person is not worth living if he sits on a pile of such rebukes. 

Civic duties:

All the great success and achievements in the life are accomplished on the basis of how we live our life.

All the great success and achievements in the life are accomplished on the basis of how we live our life. The right direction for our life is based on how we walk, act and how much we care about the basic rules of civic life. These aspects should necessarily be adhered to be successful in any field. Those, who do not care about these things in their civic life, are morally unrestrained and are categorized as antisocial persons. Even minor acts of such antisocial people cause a great harm to the community and literally their own harm is too imminent. 

Modesty as the sign of civilization:

Modesty is that quality of ethical and spiritual field which establishes a relation with a universal truth, the God, present in all the human beings and all sentient creatures and manages assistance to achieve the right purpose of life. A man having witnessed that universal consciousness present in the universe, genuflects with dedication and appeased with the eternal pleasure utters the words of God. Modesty literally means experiencing and accepting the presence of omnipresent Almighty and accepting his magnitude. 

Efforts polish the life:

Enterprising people always seem gleaming with brilliant energy while inactive or sluggish are always found as grief stricken and depressed in their spirits. Enthusiastic people are always happy, cheerful and best satisfied. Even though they are not affluent in prosperity and material resources, but their greatest wealth is their attitude which brings them mental satisfaction, freedom from worry and pleasure. 

Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.
-Winston Churchill 

Diligence improves health also. Physical labour in substantial amount helps sound sleep and wakes up in morning with full vigour, energy and freshness. On the other hand, sluggish persons wake up late in the morning and feel lethargic, lazy and burdened.


Thinking well is wise; planning well wiser; doing well wisest and best of all.
-Persian Proverb

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This is an old maxim that person is known by his civility. His manners and etiquette are sufficient enough to exhibit to what extent he is social, courteous, and modest. 


Courtesy is as much a work of a gentleman as courage.
-Theodore Roosevelt 

Civility and courtesy are closely related with each other that one cannot be practiced without the other one. One cannot be civilized without being courteous and one who is courteous will be considered civilized also. Such person is always careful not to cause any harm or humiliation to others. He is very polite in expressing his views and listens others very attentively. Such person always avoids self-praise as he knows that self-appreciation is the sign of mean mentality. A civilized and courteous person should always behave in such a manner that people coming in his contact should themselves appreciate him. Tendency of seeking self-praise is fatal for personality development. Courtesy itself is a human trait which regards the person with honour and esteem without any consideration, while the inconsiderate person who lacks in civility, who misbehaves with any person makes even his family members hostile to him.

Civility and courtesy are closely related with each other.

Many people correlate education and use of fashionable dresses with civility and courtesy, but this attitude is not correct. A person dressed in an extravagant outfit may be a rude person while an uneducated farmer may be counted as courteous. With this attitude, when we turn our attention to our neighbourhood and look at qualified modern younger generation, we have to regretfully accept that our country is rapidly losing its age-old tradition of civility and courtesy. Qualified young persons of today are giving little importance to courtesy and are lacking refinement of civilized life. Majority of school and college going students these days use abusive language in their conversation, use vulgar words and create nuisance everywhere. Their lifestyle also cannot be compared with any civilized one.

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Many other bad habits are so closely inculcated in our behaviour and lifestyle that we do not find any aberration in them due to frequent repetition but a stranger will recognize them had bad manners. For example failure in timely return of any borrowed thing, ill treatment to borrowed ones and return of anything in deteriorated condition, to forget to pay for something purchased from market on credit, inviting guests to home and absenting from home to attend them, delay in answering the letters, always reaching late in the office are some bad habits which imperil the reputation of a person and his esteem is lowered in the eyes of others. 

This is not practical to expect one uniform system of civility from every person where a lack of agreement is found in this world among different nationalities, religions, sects, in climatic environments and world is divided into thousands of parts on the basis of political, geographical, economic, social points of view. Hindus, Muslims, Christians and other religions contradict each other on many aspects of religious civility. Even then mutual behaviour, relations and contacts of the people have become so interdependent due to scientific inventions, these days that some general rules of civility have emerged in which every person should know about them. Whereas the cultures and civilities of other nations emphasize more on outer or bodily rules and actions. These internal emotions provoke the genuineness in our behaviour to which wise people are attracted. 


As we are, so we do; and as we do, so is it done to us; we are the builders of our fortunes.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Civility and tenderness are closely related. He, whose attitude and mental instincts have become tiresome, boring and uncompassionate, cannot amicably meet with others nor can he be cordial to anyone. Repercussion of this attitude will be that other people will neglect him as well as treat him as stranger and he will pass his life in solitude. Tenderness is such a great characteristic that it transforms an ordinary person into loving and close friend and he can lead his life pleasantly even with handful of means.  

The foremost of all other teachings of civility emphasizes to welcome your guest not only with external actions but also with your body language. Primarily we should firmly believe that this is our duty to courteously attend our guests.  If we ignore them, we will be considered an animal like person degraded of humanity. This is not the root of Indian civility which reveals that hospitality to guests is an outstanding obligation. This tradition was actually the practical aspect of our country revealing that we are ready to carry on hospitality despite hardships and this attitude used to mark an everlasting impact on guests


Now the things are changed enough. Cross country relations and business is expanded to great extent. Now it is very difficult to explain mannerism because one custom acclaimed and honoured in one country is adversely treated elsewhere. In spite of setting aside the civility, behaviour of individual geographical area, some unanimous civility manners have come up with the interaction of different civilizations of world during the last hundred or more years that they are now recognized as international standards in civility. 
A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.
-Saint Basil

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