80 Motivational quotes to inspire you

1. Happy are those who enjoy their life day by day, second by second, complain very little, and are thankful for the little things in life.

2. Instead of using our intelligence on why a thing can't be done, let us use it to find out how it can be done.!!

self confidence
3. Think “TODAY” is your day,

T- This is an
O- Opportunity to
D- Do
A- A work better than
Y- Yesterday.

4. God changes: 
  • Sand into pearls,
  • Coal into diamonds,
  • Caterpillar into butterfly.
Using time and pressure he is working on you too!

5. Great things take time. Be patient and never give up.

6. Silently hear everyone, Accept what is good. Reject and forget what is not good, this is the way of living a better life.

7. Decide to be happy when you start your day. Whatever comes your way, commit to keeping joy in your face always. You may be hurt by what people say, but don't let anyone spoil your day.

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8. Life isn't meant to be easy, It is meant to be lived, Sometimes happy, other times rough....., But every up and down in life, you learn lessons that make you strong.

9. Everyone you meet has something valuable to teach you. Do everything with a good heart and expect nothing in return, and you will never be disappointed.

10. People often feel something but express something else. They mean something and say something else. So learn the art of saying nothing in such a way that it leaves nothing unsaid.

11. Let your hands be so busy catching blessings, that there is no room to hold on to grudges.

12. A peaceful mind can think better than an exhausted mind. Allow a few minutes of silence to the mind everyday and see how it shapes your life.

13. It doesn't matter if the glass is half empty or half full. Be thankful that you have a glass and grateful that there is something in it.

14. "Let your light shine so brightly that others can see their way out of the dark." Be kind; for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

15. Life never leaves you empty. It always replaces everything you lost. If it asks you to put something down, it's because it wants you to pick up something better than that.

16. When you look for the good in others, you discover the best in yourself.

17. Get up everyday with a positive mission, because you deserve to live an amazing life.

18. There is no enemy outside of our soul. The real enemies live inside us - anger, greediness & hate. Avoid all of them and enjoy a peaceful life.

19. Every single day is a good day no matter how bright or dark it is, because it always brings us fresh hope & opportunities.

20. If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.

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21. Life becomes easier and more beautiful when we see the good in other people.

22. Remember whenever you are in a position to help someone, be glad and always do it because that's God answering someone else's prayer through you.

23. Having a sharp memory is a good quality of the brain. But the ability to forget the unwanted things is a far better quality of the heart.

24. What's broken can be mended. What hurts can be healed. And no matter how dark it gets, the sun is going to rise again.

25. Knowledge will give you power but character will give you respect.

26. A Gardner may water the plant daily. But fruits grow only in their respective seasons. Have patience, everything is destined to happen at its own time

27. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.

28. Remember, as long as you are breathing, it is never late to start a new beginning.

29. Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless.

30. "Smile, it makes you look better. Pray, it keeps you strong. Love, it helps you to give better relationship and to enjoy life."

31. No one in this world is pure & perfect. If you avoid people for their mistakes, you will be alone in the world. So judge less & love more…

32. A hungry stomach, an empty pocket and a broken heart can teach the best lessons of life.

33. 95 percent of the problems in life are due to the tone of voice. It's not what we say, it's how we say, just change the tone and see the change in life.

34. A lot of problems in the world would disappear if we talk to each other instead of about each other.

35. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace & gratitude.

36. When you look at life through the eyes of gratitude, the world becomes a magical and amazing place.

37. Nothing is more refreshing than a beautiful morning that calms your mind and gives you reasons to smile.

38. We are all tourists and God is our travel agent who has already fixed our routes, reservations and destination. So trust him and enjoy the trip called life.

39. Nothing is permanent in this world, not even our problems. Be positive & stay positive.

40. “For each and every morning let there be a flow of love. Let there be light of happiness in every direction.”

  • The richest wealth is wisdom;
  • The strongest weapon is patience;
  • The best security is faith;
  • And the most effective tonic is laughing.
May God bless you with all of them.

42. Be Happy and always smile and make others smile. Life is a thread on which we hang our experiences. So laugh, love and try new things, learn new skills, Forgive and don't hold grudges. Choose to be happy, and keep your surroundings happy..

Believe yourself

43. It doesn't matter what has been written in your story so far. It's how you fill up the rest of the pages that counts.

44. Everything that happens in life is not fixed. It can be changed by a weapon called will power.
45. Faith is like wind, you can't see it, but you know it is in you.

46. Prayer is not an attempt to change God's mind but it is an attempt to let God change our mind.

47. Never feel sad when you lose something in life, because whenever a tree loses its leaf a new leaf is ready to take its place.

48. Good people are like street lights along the roads. They don't make the distance short but they light up the path and make the walk easy and safe.

49. There are two ways to be happy; change the situation or change the mindset towards it. Every moment of our life is a picture which we would have seen before or will see again, so let's enjoy & live life to the fullest & make every moment beautiful.

50. Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.

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51. Things always have a way of working out. Never underestimate the power of prayer, faith & love.

52. Unexpected things will happen. You can't stop them from happening, but you can control your reaction from making these things worse. React positively, live happily.

53. Don't be afraid to start over. This time you are not starting from scratch, you are starting from your experience.

54. Today will never come again; be a blessing, be a friend. Encourage someone. Take time to care. Let your words heal, and not wound anyone.

55. It is very simple to be happy, but it is very difficult to be simple.

56. Accept that you will never be perfect, life will always have challenges and other people will disappoint you sometimes. Acceptance is the first step towards peace.

57. We always feel that the life of others is better than ours. But we always forget that we are also others for someone else.

58. Extending one hand to help somebody has more value, than joining both the hands for prayer.

59. Every little smile can touch somebody's heart. No one is born happy in this world, but all of us are born with the ability to create happiness and make others to smile.

60. The biggest source of motivation is your own thoughts, so think high and motivate yourself to win.

61. A lesson from our fingers:
All fingers are not the same length, but when they bend, they stand equal. Life becomes easy when we bend and adjust to all situations.

62. Be happy with what you have and you will have plenty to be happy about it.

63. One of our greatest addictions is talking about our problems. Change this habit. Talk about your joys. Create a positive environment around you.

64. Light the lamp of positivity and walk the miles with courage.

65. Your life becomes a masterpiece when you learn to master peace.

66. The irony of life is,
In childhood we smile for no reason since the heart is pure and innocent, but in adulthood we smile to hide reasons. This is one of the bitter truths of human life.

67. Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of good habits.

68. Plan well before you start your journey in every walk of life. Think and work like a Carpenter & Tailor... Measure twice but cut once.

69. See the mistake as a mistake. Not " mine or yours". ‘Mine’ brings Guilt and ‘yours’ brings Anger. 'Realisation' only brings improvement.

70. A ship cannot sink in the ocean unless water enters into it. Similarly, the negativity of the world puts you down unless you allow it to get inside you.

71. Life is never easy, as we all know. We have to make it easy - sometimes by ignoring something and sometimes by accepting something.


72. Life isn't about pleasing everyone, it's about hurting no one.

73. Patience & Silence are two powerful energies. Patience makes you mentally strong while Silence makes you emotionally strong.

74. You have 3 solutions to every problem:

Accept it,
Change it, or
leave it.
If you can't accept it, change it.
If you can't change it, leave it.

75. Life can never promise you to always be happy, but life gets better after you accept things you just can't change.

  • Listen with curiosity,
  • Speak with honesty,
  • Act with integrity.

77. Be kind to yourself. And then let your kindness flood the world.

78. Help when you can. Be there when in need. Encourage someone when you can. A truly happy life comes from giving more than what you take.

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79. The smallest of actions is always more beautiful than the largest of intentions.

80. Learn from your yesterdays, dream your tomorrows and live your todays with confidence and optimism.

81. Coffee never tastes sweet unless we add sugar and milk. We are good as individuals, but become better when we meet & blend with the right people.

82. Explain your anger, don't express it, and you will immediately open the door to solutions instead of arguments.

83. Kindness is like butter. It works better when you spread it around all over the bread.

84. Never blame anyone in your life, because

Good people give you happiness,
Bad people give you experience,
Worst people give you a lesson, and
Best people give you memories. 

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