how to travel in someone's car.

When you take lift in someone’s car, be it your friend or relative, follow some basic manners. Here are the must-know rules.

Do not touch the controls without permission:

This is crucial, don’t touch another person’s music system. The only controls you should feel comfortable adjusting are those that affect you alone - like your seat position.

Mind your business:

Browsing through someone’s car pockets is total invasion of privacy as it’s their private storage space. If you need anything, just ask for it.

Feet off the dash:

It’s a bad idea to rest your feet on the car’s dashboard during commute or road trip. Besides bad behaviour, it’s also not a great sight to behold.

Don’t be a Tosser:

Leaving trash in someone else’s car is unacceptably rude - and this point is being raised as it’s very common. No one is happy to have their car being treated as a mobile eatery. In fact, before you start gobbling, check with the owner of the car if it’s okay with him/her. In case you happen to spill food or beverages in the car, take care, and clean up all the crumbs and spills. Expecting the car owner to clean up your trash is disrespectful. Besides, you may not get a lift again!

Owner has the final say:

In matters of car etiquette, the car owner has the final say. For instance, the owner may have a problem with you eating smelly food or listening to loud music. Respect their opinion and be courteous to the person on the driver’s seat.

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